The M. A. and Lila Self Leadership Academy Scholarship is a distinguished and prestigious award given to the top applicants to the university that demonstrate exceptional leadership potential. Named for University Regent Al Self and his wife, Lila, the scholarship was established through their generous founding gift to the Leadership Academy in 2000. Each year, up to four first-year students are selected for this competitive scholarship. The Leadership Academy consists of 30 undergraduate students and is led by Executive Director George M. Langlois and Program Manager Alexandra. It provides a structured platform to develop leadership potential among Illinois Tech students.
Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students at Illinois Tech.
Satisfactory academic progress, defined as maintaining a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 each semester, is required.
The scholarship is renewable annually based on academic performance and active participation in academy activities.
Attendance at all Leadership Academy events, such as seminars, regular meetings, and retreats, is mandatory.
Scholars must contribute at least 10 hours per semester to community service projects officially sponsored by the Leadership Academy.
Active participation in a committee to support Leadership Academy initiatives is required.
Scholars must adhere to university-wide codes of conduct. Violations may result in dismissal from the academy.
How to apply: Apply online