Description: These scholarships are available to support talented students enrolled in the Master of Computing at Unitec.
Applicants can be international or domestic students studying full-time or part-time but at a minimum must:
- have an offer of place in a Unitec Masters Programme.
- have committed themselves to completing a research thesis of at least 90 credits.
- have a minimum average grade – as given below – or equivalent in all previous study at Level 7 or above;
- minimum grade of B+ for programme level scholarships
- minimum grade of B for Māori and Pacific scholarships 2023 – Masters Scholarships Guidelines Approved at April 2021 PGRSC meeting. V3
- minimum grade of B- for industry scholarships
- Provisional grades can be used to calculate the GPA if necessary.
- Full-time Unitec staff are not eligible for these scholarships.
How to apply: apply online