2023 ASB Scholarship at The University of Auckland New Zealand

Fully funded

University of Auckland


BCom, BCom(Hons), PGDipCom or MCom in Information Systems

Domestic students and International students

New Zealand

1st June

Expired in

1st June


The ASB Scholarship was established in 1997 and is funded by an endowment provided by ASB Bank Ltd.
The main purpose of the Scholarship is to recognise top undergraduate and postgraduate students in Information Systems with a passion for Technology.


  1. The basis of selection will be academic merit; and the applicant’s contribution to University and/or community activities; the applicant’s ambitions, passion and how they demonstrate caring and integrity as values as assessed by a personal statement and an interview with the Selection Committee (see Note II).
  2. The Scholarship will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of a Selection

Committee comprising the Dean of the University of Auckland Business School (or nominee), the Head of the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management (or nominee) and a representative of ASB Bank Ltd.

  • Payment will be made in one instalment in Semester Two, as soon as is practical after confirmation of the awardee’s enrolment (that is, after the final date on which a student may add or delete courses without incurring a late enrolment fee).
  • To be paid the Scholarship, awardees must be i) enrolled full-time or part-time in either a BCom or BCom conjoint degree, or a BCom(Hons), or a PGDipCom, or an MCom, and ii) majoring in Information Systems. Conjoint students must be enrolled in at least 15 points of Information Systems courses to be paid the Scholarship.
  • The Scholarship may be held with any other scholarship, award or grant as long as the regulations for that scholarship, award or grant permit and the University of Auckland Council is informed and approves. It is the responsibility of the awardee to declare to the Scholarships Office all other scholarships, awards or grant funding received and for which the awardee receives payment while also in payment for this Scholarship.
  • The University of Auckland Council is not obliged to make an award if it is determined there is no candidate that meets the criteria and/or no candidate of sufficient merit.

How to apply:  apply online

More info: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/scholarships-and-awards/find-a-scholarship/asb-scholarship-202-bus.html