STIBET-SCHOLARSHIP at University of Koblenz Landau Germany

Partial Funding

University of Koblenz Landau

All levels of study

All subjects

Domestic and International students


28th February

Expired in

28th February

Scholarship value: between 250 and 300 Euros per month

Description: The International Office is able to provide financial support for students using sponsorship funds from the German Academic Exchange Service, the Federal Foreign Office and the Scholarship Foundation for International Students and Young Academics for the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The primary aim of this financial support is to enable qualified international students to concentrate on their studies and final dissertation.


  • are not of German nationality,
  • are registered at University of Koblenz-Landau in order to acquire a Master’s degree and
  • need financial support.

How to apply: apply online

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