PROMOS Study or Internship Abroad Scholarships at RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY, Germany

Partial Funding


Short stays abroad

All subjects


September 15, 2020

Expired in

September 15, 2020

Scholarship Description: PROMOS, a scholarship program offered by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD for short, is financed by the German Ministry of Education and Research. It has been promoting students to go on short stays abroad with scholarships since 2010.

Eligible Nationalities: Applications are accepted for all countries outside the Erasmus area (Switzerland is an exception) are eligible for this scholarship program. Here you can find a detailed list of funded countries and the types of grants available.

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Scholarships are awarded for study or research stays abroad lasting one to six months; internships must be longer than six weeks. The RWTH project coordinator will first determine the total number of months to be funded after the selection period. The funding period depends on the availability of funds. Normally, three to four months’ funding is granted.
  • A partial scholarship of at least 300 euros per month and/or a country-specific travel stipend will be awarded. The PROMOS program is not responsible for any organizational support in planning your stay. It is solely a funding program. You may of course use one of the International Office’s structured mobility programs and participate in group advising sessions.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • RWTH students from any faculty who – in a country eligible for funding through PROMOS –
  1. are planning a semester abroad
  2. wish to complete a thesis or project
  3. or wish to complete an internship
  • Further Application Requirements
  1. You have not received any funding from the PROMOS or Voss program so far.
  2. You have already received confirmation of your stay abroad.
  3. You are not receiving any other scholarships for the stay from German public funds, RWTH, the host university, or the host country. You can find more information under the Scholarship Details section below.

Application Procedure: You will have the option of applying for a PROMOS or Voss Scholarship via this application portal either by May 1, or by September 15. The portal will be open starting one month before each deadline. The May 1 deadline only applies to stays that begin in 2020. The September 15 deadline applies to stays that either take place in 2020 and those that will take place in 2021. It is important however, that you have not already completed your stay by the application deadline.
