Scholarship value:
- Scholarship payments of currently € 1,300 a month;
- A travel allowance from their home address to Germany and back;
- Payments towards health, accident, and personal liability insurance cover;
- A research allowance of currently € 460 per year (for scholarship holders from countries listed in the DAC List of ODA recipients), or € 260 per year (for scholarship holders from other countries);
- A material resources and supervision allowance of currently € 1,000 per year (to be paid out upon application by the supervisor to the host institution, for use for the candidate’s doctoral project).
Description: The Max Planck School of Cognition and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) jointly advertise two four-year doctoral scholarships for doctoral projects conducted through the Max Planck School of Cognition (MPSCog) and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (M&B). These doctoral positions will be funded for up to four years by the Graduate School Scholarship Programme 2025 (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
- International background, i.e. non-German nationality;
- Excellent academic profile;
- Applicants should not have graduated longer than six years prior to nomination for the DAAD scholarship (nomination: May 2025), i.e. before March 2024;
- Applicants must not have been resident in Germany for more than 15 months prior to nomination (nomination: May 2025), i.e. before March 2024.
- International applicants who have completed a Master’s degree in Germany, or a Bachelor’s degree in Germany and the Master’s degree abroad, and have spent more than 15 months abroad after their degree (i.e. outside Germany) can apply.
- At the starting date of the scholarship (and/or preparatory German course) in October 2025, applicants must have completed their studies with a master’s degree or equivalent.
- Applicants must not have completed a PhD or any other doctoral degree previously.
How to apply: apply online
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