2024 Young Leadership of Tomorrow scholarship at Technical University of Munich, Germany

Partial Funding

Technical University of Munich

All levels of study

All subjects

Domestic and International students


September 30, 2024

Expired in

September 30, 2024

Scholarship value: 2,500 euros

Description: The main goal of this scholarship is to support talented and ambitious young people who bring an innovative and actionable perspective on leadership and collaboration in the future world of work. This competition not only serves to promote innovative approaches and fresh ideas, but also to develop strategies and concepts that support effective, cross-generational leadership and collaboration in the work environment. In this context, applicants are invited to present their concrete ideas and strategies on how they would like to help shape a world of work in which cross-generational collaboration and leadership are not only possible, but also successful and enriching.


students aged between 20 and 30 living in Germany who aspire to a management position.

How to apply: apply online  

More info: https://www.tum.de/en/studies/fees-and-financial-aid/scholarships/other-scholarships