2024 Scholarships and Travels Grants for Research Stays at RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Partial Funding

RWTH Aachen University

Doctoral Candidates, Postdocs

All subjects

Domestic and International students


March 31 or September 30

Expired in

March 31 or September 30

Scholarship value: 

A monthly stipend of 1,800 euros for a period of up to 6 months;

A travel grant of 1,000 euros (lump sum);

German language classes and intercultural training.


RWTH Aachen University offers scholarships and travel grants to support the research stays of doctoral candidates and postdocs from strategically relevant international universities or research institutions. Funding is provided by the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

The goal of the Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP) is to develop and/or strengthen bilateral relations with international partner institutions. In addition to receiving funding for their research stay and travel, AROP scholarship holders may participate in German-language courses and intercultural training at RWTH.


Doctoral candidates and postdocs of strategically relevant international universities and research institutions, which are either RWTH partner institutions or plan to initiate a partnership with the University.

How to apply: apply online 

More info: https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/studium/im-studium/stipendien-foerderung/~fhgwb/advanced-research-opportunities-program/?lidx=1