Scholarship value: The scholars receive a basic monthly grant of EUR 1.350,00, if applicable, a monthly family allowance of EUR 100,00 per child and material/travel subsidy of a maximum total of EUR 1.500,00.
Description: The Free State of Saxony provides funding for the promotion of PhD students of TU Dresden in accordance with the Saxon Scholarship Program Regulation (Landesstipendienverordnug SächsLStipVO of 06th July 2018. Funding is awarded by the Studentenwerk Dresden (student service organisation) based on the recommendation of the board of the Graduate Academy of TU Dresden.
The maximum funding period is three years. In special circumstances (cf. § 5 sec. 2 SächsLStipVO), the funding period can be extended by further twelve months. The scholarship funding ends with the month in which the dissertation is submitted.
1. Only prospective doctoral candidates may apply;
2. doctoral projects that have already begun are not eligible for application.
3. The membership at Graduate Academy is not required to be eligible within this funding program.
4. Proof of acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the regarding faculty of TU Dresden has to be submitted to the Studentenwerk Dresden before the requested start of funding if a positive funding decision has been made.
How to apply: apply online