2020 SCHOLARSHIPS at TU Dortmund University, Germany

Partial Funding

TU Dortmund University


TU Dortmund University is a technical university in Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany with over 35,000 students, and over 6,000 staff including 300 professors, offering around 80 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. It is situated in the Ruhr area, the fourth largest urban area in Europe.

DAAD STIBET Graduation Scholarships

TU Dortmund University offers graduation scholarships to admitted international students and international doctoral candidates several times a year. The graduation scholarship is meant to support international students finishing their studies who are in financial hardships by no fault of their own.

DAAD Award 2020

The award – worth €1,000 – distinguishes an outstanding international student or doctoral candidate who has excelled through particular academic performance as well as remarkable social or intercultural commitment.

DAAD STIBET Community Engagement Grants

Within the scope of the DAAD project STIBET Doktoranden, funded by the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), TU Dortmund University provides community engagement grants for international doctoral candidates. The grant’s aim is to support international doctoral candidates at TU Dortmund University who are characterized by good academic results as welll as a high community engagement in the international context related to the university. The goal is to honor community engagement, support it and motivate future involvement. The scholarship can be awarded for a maximum of 12 months, whereby exceptional extensions are possible.

More info: http://www.aaa.tu-dortmund.de/cms/en/International_Students/Everyday_Life/Financial_Support/Scholarships/index.html