- The deadline for the submission of all documents for the DAAD-GSSP Scholarships is 25 January 2020.
- The deadline for the submission of all documents for the HGGS Membership is 15 March 2020.
Scholarship Description: The HGGS provides a structured, interdisciplinary programme in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Law for the formation of excellent doctoral researchers.
Scholarship Benefits: The DAAD-GSSP Scholarships for two international candidates are foreseen for four years with a stipend of 1200,- per month.
Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must hold an M.A. or equivalent in one of the disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences or Law with an above-average grade (at least 1.7, 5.5, B+, 2+, “magna cum laude”, or similar).
Application Procedure:
Application and required documents:
a) Completed cover page (download HEREor Word-format from heiBOX)
b) Letter of intention, with a brief description of the qualifications, academic objectives and the research project (max. 2 pages)
c) CV with information about the academic career, achieved grades, research projects and research experience, publications (if any)
d) Project description of max. 5 pages in German or English (including research plans and objectives, critical approach, data, methods, theoretical focus)
e) Timescale for the research project
f) Transcripts (Bachelor and Master)
g) Letters of recommendation: 1 letter (formless) required for HGGS membership; 2 letters on the DAAD form required for DAAD-GSSP applications
h) Written supervision agreement by a Professor or PD at Heidelberg University. Information.
i) Excel-Sheet with details about your academic career.
Applications (max. 25 pages) must be submitted electronically as ONE PDF file to the Manager & Academic Coordinator of the HGGS:
Dr. Astrid Wind
E-Mail: [email protected]