ULSU SCHOLARSHIPS at The University of Lethbridge, Canada

Partial Funding

University of Lethbridge



University of lethbridge students


Scholarship Description: The Students’ Union makes available $118,500 in scholarships and bursaries each year for the University of lethbridge students. They have a wide range of qualifications to accommodate a variety of circumstances.

Application Procedure: Applications for these scholarships are available through the University Scholarships and Student Finance office, Rm AH 115, or ph: (403) 329-2585, OR OR, APPLY HERE by signing in (type in, Students’ Union, in the search field.

What is the ULSU? The University of Lethbridge Students’ Union (ULSU) is an organization that is in place to help make your experience at the U of L as rewarding and enriching as possible. With nine permanent staff, the Zoo part-time staff members, Convenience store part-time staff, five Executive Council members, and sixteen General Assembly members, we work within the University community, but we are not part of the administration. We are students, just like you. We go to classes. We get stressed about midterms. We spend a lot of time studying.