Study area: Agriculture and Environment, Architecture, Planning and Design, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Education, Engineering and Computing, Health and Behavioural Sciences, Law, Science and Mathematics
Scholarship value: A$5000 tuition fee reduction per semester for the first two semesters (A$10,000 in total)
Description: This scholarship is available for high achieving students who have completed their most recent qualification from Australia and are commencing a relevant degree program at The University of Queensland in Semester 1, 2021. With this scholarship you will receive a A$5,000 tuition fee discount per semester for the first two semesters.
- is an international student;
- has their most recent qualification from Australia;
- has applied to undertake studies at UQ on a full-time basis in a relevant program commencing Semester 1, 2021 and has received an offer. Students with conditional offers need to submit their latest transcripts by 4 December 2020 or they may not be considered;
- will enrol full time;
- has satisfied the program entry rank and English language proficiency requirements;
- has not received another scholarship from UQ;
- has achieved a competitive score as determined by the University when ranked among the pool of offer holders for programs commencing Semester 1, 2021.
How to apply: apply on-line