Equity Scholarship applications for 2020-2021 are now open at UNSW Sydney (University of New South Wales), Australia

Partial Funding

University of New South Wales

All levels of study

All subjects

Disadvantaged and Under-represented groups, Indigenous students and Students from low socio-economic backgrounds


January 2021

Expired in

January 2021


  • December Round 2: Apply by Friday, 11 December 2020
  • January Round 2: Apply by Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Scholarship Description: UNSW offers a wide range of Equity Scholarships, Awards and Grants to assist students to undertake full-time study for the duration of their degree program.

Application Procedure:

More info: https://www.scholarships.unsw.edu.au/unsw-equity-scholarships

The University of New South Wales is an Australian public research university located in the Sydney suburb of Kensington. In 2012, UNSW recorded the highest median ATAR of any university in NSW and attracted the highest number of top 500 students from the state.