CDU Destination Australia Scholarship for Alice Springs Campus (1 year) at Charles Darwin University Australia

Partial Funding

Charles Darwin University Australia

All levels of study

All subjects

Domestic and International students


Scholarship value: $15,000 

Description: CDU Destination Australia Scholarship to provide financial support to students who choose to study in regional and rural Australia.


  • Must be a student commencing a course in either Semester 1, Term 1 and/or Term 2 in 2022
  • Must be enrolled at the Alice Springs campus
  • Must be enrolled in a Certificate IV or higher
  • Must be enrolled in a course with a 1-year full-time duration
  • Must be enrolled full-time for the duration of the scholarship – i.e. enrolled in 30 credit points or more in the current semester for Higher Education or at least 200 contact hours in Term 1 and Term 2 for VET
  • Must complete 75% of their units internally for the duration of the course
  • Must be a resident of the Northern Territory as indicated by their permanent home residence at the time of applying

How to apply:  apply online