ARIAM Research Hub PhD Scholarships at The University of Sydney Australia

Partial Funding

The University of Sydney

Master’s by Research or PhD within the Faculty of Engineering

All subjects

Domestic and International students



Expired in


Scholarship value: $40,000 per annum (up to 3.5 years)

Description: A $40,000 per annum stipend scholarship for research students within Faculty of Engineering to work in a multidisciplinary research team, Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub Intelligent Robotics Systems for Real-Time Asset Management (ARIAM).


  • have an unconditional offer of admission for full-time enrolment in a PhD program or an unconditional offer of admission for full-time enrolment in a Master’s by Research program with the intent to transfer to PhD after satisfactory completion of the first annual progress evaluation within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney
  • hold at least an Honours degree (First Class or Second Class Upper) or equivalent in a relevant discipline
  • withdraw applications for Research Training Program (RTP) funding, including any RTP Allowance, RTP Fees Offset (international only), RTP Stipend or RTP Scholarships after accepting this scholarship 
  • have applied for your student visa before you commence your studies (if you are an international student)

How to apply: apply online 

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