Scholarship value: $40,000 per annum (up to 3.5 years)
Description: A $40,000 per annum stipend scholarship for research students within Faculty of Engineering to work in a multidisciplinary research team, Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub Intelligent Robotics Systems for Real-Time Asset Management (ARIAM).
- have an unconditional offer of admission for full-time enrolment in a PhD program or an unconditional offer of admission for full-time enrolment in a Master’s by Research program with the intent to transfer to PhD after satisfactory completion of the first annual progress evaluation within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney
- hold at least an Honours degree (First Class or Second Class Upper) or equivalent in a relevant discipline
- withdraw applications for Research Training Program (RTP) funding, including any RTP Allowance, RTP Fees Offset (international only), RTP Stipend or RTP Scholarships after accepting this scholarship
- have applied for your student visa before you commence your studies (if you are an international student)
How to apply: apply online
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