2024 Western Australian Premier’s University Scholarship At The University of Notre Dame Australia

Partial Funding

The University of Notre Dame

All levels of study

All subjects

International students


30 Nov, 2023

Expired in

30 Nov, 2023

Scholarship value: $50,000

Description: The purpose of the Scholarship is to attract new high-achieving international students from priority target markets, studying in a range of fields that are linked to priority sectors and industries for Western Australia. The scholarship is worth $50,000 and will be applied against the successful applicant’s fee and tuition accounts in semester instalments.


To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must: 

  1. Have received a letter of offer for a new enrolment* as an onshore international student, undertaking full-time studies (minimum two years) at one of Western Australia’s five Universities, commencing in Semester 1 2024 or Semester 2 2024, or a start date after 1 January 2024 applicable to the student’s course of study (for PhD students).
  2. Be arriving in Western Australia in a specific semester in 2024 to commence their course in that semester in 2024. (Have not previously studied at a WA University)
  3. Have met the criteria to obtain an international student visa for study in Australia, arriving in the State of Western Australia (the State) and commencing studies onshore in 2024 in the semester for which they have applied.
  4. Be commencing studies directly in an undergraduate or postgraduate program and not via a packaged, foundation or English language pathway.
  5. Be prepared to decline any other scholarships they may have been previously granted by the University, State or Commonwealth if successful in being awarded a WA Premier’s University Scholarship.
  6. Be applying to the University as an international fee-paying student.
  7. Be a citizen of one of the following countries and make their application to the University from outside of Australia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, China, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, Oman, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka ,The Philippines , Vietnam, Zimbabwe
  8. Be studying at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle campus for the duration of their program

How to apply: apply online  

More info: https://www.notredame.edu.au/current-students/opportunities/scholarships/scholarship-list