2024 SUT Scholarships at The University of Western Australia

Partial Funding

The University of Western

All levels of study

Domestic and International students


13th August 2024

Expired in

13th August 2024

Study area: Underwater Technology, Marine and Ocean Science, Underwater Robotics, Renewable Energy, Offshore and Subsea Infrastructure, Metocean

Scholarship value: $5000 

Description: The Society for Underwater Technology awards a selection of scholarships every year, to recognise exceptional students and provide targeted financial support to see them complete their studies and start their career in the industry.

Applicants are welcome from all manner of backgrounds that have a connection with offshore (or ocean) technology, ranging from underwater technology, marine and ocean science, underwater robotics, renewable energy, offshore and subsea infrastructure, metocean and many more.

The primary measure for awarding these scholarships is how well applicants demonstrate their passion to pursue a career in the industry through their work to date and aspirations for the future.


To be eligible for a scholarship:

  • applicants must be studying full time and either in the final two years of undergraduate studies or engaged in post-graduate study in Semester 1 of the following year at an Australian tertiary institution.
  • You must not be working full time in the first half of the following year to qualify.
  • Postgraduate candidates should have a first degree in a relevant engineering or science subject, and have enrolled in a postgraduate course of study related to offshore engineering, marine science or underwater technology.
  • Undergraduate candidates should have permission to proceed to their last or second last year of their degree course in 2025.
  • Scholarship applicants must be enrolled in full time education.
  • Applicants who are employed full time are not eligible for the scholarship, however, part-time employment is acceptable.
  • Applicants are required to be enrolled at university full-time for at least the first semester of 2025.

How to apply: apply online  

More info: https://sut.org/branch/australia-perth/scholarships/