2024 High Performers Scholarships At The University of Newcastle, Australia

Partial Funding

The University of Newcastle

All levels of study

All subjects

Domestic and International students


10 Jan 2024

Expired in

10 Jan 2024

Scholarship value: Each High Performers Scholarship is worth A$10,000 each year for the standard duration of the degree. Recipients also gain opportunities for formal recognition by the Vice-Chancellor and access to leadership training and academic mentoring programs.

Description: The University of Newcastle recognises the exceptional academic achievements of students With the High Performers Scholarships, commencing an undergraduate program. Understanding that academic excellence can be demonstrated in a number of ways, the scholarships are available to students who commence undergraduate studies through a range of pathways.


  • Year 12 School Leavers

This category is for Year 12 School Leavers that have completed secondary school in the year prior to commencing a degree. An ATAR or equivalent of 99 or higher is required.

  • Indigenous Year 12 School Leavers

This category is for Indigenous Year 12 School Leavers that have completed secondary school in the year prior to commencing a degree. An ATAR or equivalent of 95 or higher is required.

  • Regional High School Dux

This category is for students that have been recognised as Dux by their remote or regional High School in the year prior to commencing a degree program. An ATAR or equivalent of 95 or higher is required.

How to apply: All scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and entry rank. With the exception of the Regional High School Dux Scholarship, no additional scholarship application is required.

More info: https://www.newcastle.edu.au/scholarships/high-performers-scholarships#:~:text=Each%20High%20Performers%20Scholarship%20is,academic%20merit%20and%20entry%20rank.